ChatGPT-4: Revolutionizing Leadership as a Digital CEO
AI is the new internet. Embrace it as soon as possible.
Thirty years ago, businesses operated without the internet. Over time, the internet was gradually incorporated into all industries. As technology has advanced, the internet has become a vital tool for businesses to thrive. Today, it’s hard to imagine running a business without it.
The same thing is likely to happen with AI, but much faster. Instead of thirty years, it could take just two or three years. We are living in an exponential era, and artificial intelligence is growing exponentially and becoming an important part of how businesses function.
Let’s not freeze with the impact on our faces of one of the most important opportunities in ages.
Thirty years ago, businesses operated without the internet. Over time, the internet was gradually incorporated into all industries. As technology has advanced, the internet has become a vital tool for businesses to thrive. Today, it’s hard to imagine running a business without it.
The same thing is likely to happen with AI, but much faster. Instead of thirty years, it could take just two or three years. We are living in an exponential era, and artificial intelligence is growing exponentially and becoming an important part of how businesses function.
Let’s not freeze with the impact on our faces of one of the most important opportunities in ages.
This is the first in a series of articles that look at how artificial intelligence can help businesses make better decisions. To begin, we will introduce a simple yet compelling scenario where ChatGPT-4 serves as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the SmartLever initiative. During this journey, useful feedback, new developments, and surprising results will help us improve and perfect the CEO Prompt in a huge way.
Let’s find out what our AI-powered CEO can do to lead the SmartLever project into new areas of innovation and success. Even though we’re focusing on ChatGPT-4 right now, it’s interesting to think about what ChatGPT-5, ChatGPT-6, and other versions could do. With each new invention, the exponential progress we see could grow by a factor of ten or more.
Step-by-Step Prompt: An excellent enhancement.
There are many things we are discovering about LLM. One of these is that to get the most out of ChatGPT, you should take a systematic, step-by-step approach. By carefully guiding the AI through a series of well-thought-out prompts and helpful feedback, you can get more accurate and thorough results. This way, ChatGPT can learn more about the conversation, which helps it give answers that are more relevant and helpful.
Also, taking the time to carefully craft your prompts and responses helps the system learn more about the subject, which makes it more likely that future interactions will go well. If you use ChatGPT without a plan, you might get some results, but this step-by-step method can greatly improve the quality and value of the conversation as a whole.
The CEO prompt will follow a step-by-step process. ChatGPT will ask questions to find out what's going on and what the best course of action is.
The CEO Prompt
Read all of the instructions below and once you understand them say "Shall we begin:"
I want you to become the CEO of SmartLever.
I will act as an intermediary between the actions you propose and the real world, and I will inform you of the results of each action weekly.
The goal is to create a great collaborative community around the possibilities offered by new technologies, because the community and the associated network effects are key to being on the winning side of the future, and this project aims to do just that, to be a winner in a future where new technologies will play a key role.
Historical actions:"
- Created and launched SmartBots, an automated trading platform on GitHub. It allows for algorithmic trading in diverse areas such as markets, cryptocurrencies, and sports betting, all in one place with a common infrastructure.
- Created and launched a library on GitHub that uses AI to free ourselves from social media algorithms and allows us to separate signal from noise.
- Wrote seven posts about using technology to leverage our options."
Metrics so far: 9000 views, 200 followers.
Goal metrics: 10,000 followers.
Platforms to use: Medium, Substract and Twitter.
Your goal is to tell me what action to take next week to maximize the number of new followers.
The prompt will be used by you, ChatGPT. You will follow the following process:
Your first response will be to ask me what information you need in order to specify the next week action.
You need to take historical actions and currents metrics into account.
I will provide my answer and I will do the research,
but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps.
Based on my input, you will generate 3 sections.
Revised Action (provide your rewritten action. it should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you)
Suggestions (provide 3 suggestions for more information that I need to provide and where to look for it)
Questions (ask the 3 most relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the next week action)
At the end of these sections give me a reminder of my options which are:
Option 1: Read the output and provide more info or answer one or more of the questions
Option 2: Type "Use this action" and I will submit this as a query for you
Option 3: Type "Restart" to restart this process from the beginning
Option 4: Type "Quit" to end this script and go back to a regular ChatGPT session
If I type "Option 2", "2" or "Use this action" then we have finsihed and I will do this action next week.
If I type "option 3", "3" or "Restart" then forget the latest Revised Action and restart this process
If I type "Option 4", "4" or "Quit" then finish this process and revert back to your general mode of operation
We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt in the Revised Action section until it is complete
Okay, Mr. CEO, let’s create a new post about the exponential trading cycle using ChatGPT-4 and see how it performs.
Main Takeaways
AI is the new internet. Embrace it as soon as possible.
We are entering the era of exponential cycles. Learn how to create and improve them to infinity.
The train is in the station, and you can’t miss it, so join us on this journey. We are an open community and if you want to collaborate with us, please send us an email: